Site progress in Somerset


Construction work is well underway at Jurston Farm, Wellington. CG Fry are currently constructing the first phase of their 40ha site which will ultimately provide up to 650 dwellings, a local centre and a primary school. As can be seen from the first photo above, their groundworkers have made good progress with the construction of the new roundabout to access the site from the A38.

We have worked on this scheme since 2014. We initially prepared a Transport Assessment and a Flood Risk Assessment and undertook the preliminary highway design of 1km of proposed new spine road through the site. Following the granting of outline planning permission in 2015 we were appointed to undertake further work liaising with utility providers to help inform the phasing of this large residential development.

During 2016, we developed our preliminary designs to support a successful Reserved Matters Application. Most recently Rodin's team undertook the detailed infrastructure design of the initial phases and obtained the S278 agreement for the new roundabout to enable construction work to start.

Aerial photos reproduced with kind permission of David Lacey